Day Sunday
Date 23/02/2025
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Dunford Bridge to Ramsden Clough
Description From Dunford Bridge we go to Snailsden Moor Trig point. Then across to Ramsden Clough. We cross Withens Moor to the top of the Old Woodhead tunnel. Then down to Dunford Bridge Road. Then to Saltersbrook Bridge. Then track to Fiddlers Green and then South Nab trig point. Down to Pennine Bridle way ( should be restored to a Railway!!!) and back to car park.
Walk Leader James
Notify Please text 07743 947 075 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Dunford Bridge Car Park
Start Point Details Free car park at Dunford Bridge by the Trans Pennine Trail
Grid Reference SE 1585 0240 - nearest postcode: S36 4TF
Grade C3
Distance 12 miles
Additional Information NO DOGS.
Suggest a head torch. Gaiters may be of use!!
if icy micro spikes may be of use
Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point