Day Sunday
Date 02/02/2025
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name A Stroll to Great Longstone
Description From Calver Sough head for Stoney Middleton then turn left up Coombe Dale to Black Harry Gate.
We head south to Great Longstone for a short break, then we leave east to pass Rowland back to Calver Sough.
Walk Leader Colin P
Notify Please text 07505 936025 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Calver Sough Crossroads Cafe
Start Point Details Meet up at the crossroads in Calver Sough near the cafe (benches just outside). Considerate parking in the village please.
What3Words - ///dices.lecturers.surgical
Grid Reference SK 239748 - nearest postcode: S32 3WY
Grade A2
Distance 7.5 miles
Additional Information Dogs on short leads please.
Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point