Day Saturday
Date 01/02/2025
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name High Neb from Lodge More
Description A very satisfying circuit of Hallam Moors taking in Wyming Brook and Redmires Reservoirs as well as the highest section of Stanage Edge, providing an interesting alternative to the well-worn route past Stanage Pole.
The paths are largely easy to follow and relatively dry
Walk Leader Seyhan
Notify Please text 07972104194 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Bus terminus on Redmires Road (No 51 bus ends there)
Start Point Details It is the bus terminus.
You may take the 51 bus or if you decide to drive there may be parking on the residential streets around.
There is also parking at Hallam and Redmires Rangers Junior football club

What 3 words ///future.that.ship

Grid Reference SK285862 - nearest postcode: S10 4NH
Grade B2
Distance 9.5 miles
Additional Information
Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point