Day Sunday
Date 19/01/2025
Start Time 9:30 am - EARLY START
Walk Name Pole to Hathersage
Description From Ringinglow to Stanage Pole, Dennis Knoll, Brontë Cottage, Hathersage, Carl Wark, Houndkirk Road to Ringinglow.

It will be wet/muddy under foot.

Walk Leader Raj
Notify Please text 07561 346 954 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Ringinglow - Norfolk Arms
Start Point Details Ringinglow Norfolk Arms Pub.
What3Words - ///Scales.precautions.again
Grid Reference SK 291 837 - nearest postcode: S11 7TS
Grade B2
Distance 12 miles
Additional Information There is car parking opposite the pub and on the Houndkirk Road
by Moor Cottage.
Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point