Day Sunday
Date 19/01/2025
Start Time 10:30 am - Late start
Walk Name Tickhill: History of the Landscape Walk and SYNED Area AGM
Description Information about the flooded landscape, the sites of a Roman villa, a deserted medieval village, and an Anglo-Saxon church and the sad tale of William Oddy. Information and stories on a delightful walk to the north and west of Tickhill. There will be a brief stop for refreshments. The length will be either 5.5 or 6.5 miles, depending on time
Walk Leader David Gadd
Notify Please text 07754248879 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Tithes Lane Pavilion, Tickhill, Doncaster
Start Point Details Tithes Lane Pavilion, Tickhill, Doncaster
Grid Reference SK593934 - nearest postcode: DN11 9QN
Grade A1
Distance 6 miles
Additional Information This walk precedes the SYNED Area AGM. The pavilion will be open from 10.00 until the start of the walk for storage and toilets. It will be unlocked at approx 13.30 in time for the SYNED AGM at 14.00.

Walkers are reminded it is their responsibility to wear appropriate footwear/clothing, bring adequate food and drink and carry emergency contact details. Go to the Walks/Information for Walkers tab for more details.

Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point