Day Saturday
Date 11/01/2025
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Haddon hall, Rowsley and Stanton
Description A very scenic walk connecting the three local river of Lathkill, Wye and Bradford.

We pass Haddon Hall, and may be ale to have a coffee stop here.
Then we walk to Rowsley and then onto the peaceful hiltop village
of Stanton in Peak and then back to Youlgreave.

A very steady walk but has plenty of ups and downs

Walk Leader Charlie C
Notify Please text 07572177702 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Youlgrave - car park at Coldwell End
Start Point Details Youlgrave - car park at Coldwell End (on the west side of Youlgrave on road to Middleton on RHS - follow blue P signs through village to parking).
It's at the end of the village 250m past the Farmyard Inn and by the allotments.
Toilets at start
Honesty box parking charge? Please bring change
What3Words ///armrest.absorbs.redouble
Grid Reference SK20506405 - nearest postcode: DE45 1UY
Grade B2
Distance 9.5 miles
Additional Information
Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point