Day Sunday
Date 05/01/2025
Start Time 10:30 am - CANCELLED
Walk Name Cancelled walk
Description A cultural day out in Chesterfield to settle into the New Year and enjoy
ime with each other walking and at a show ...
Two events on the same day; choose the walk, or the concert, or both.
Chesterfield has many works of public art in all sorts of nooks
and crannies in streets, parks, squares, and on buildings that
Mick will structure an Art Trail morning walk, to start at 10.30
am and finish about 1.00 pm with refreshments at a place of
your choice - we found a nice bar/cafe last time - and then we
can go to The New Year Viennese Gala Concert at 3pm staged
by Sheffield Symphony Orchestra in The Winding Wheel Theatre
- meet up in the bar beforehand at about 2.30pm .
Interested in the walk, or the concert, or both let Mick know by
text on 07949 596702 and we can work on arrangements up to
the day!
Buy your own concert tickets: available here, XXL1 hereXXL3
Walk Leader Mick N
Notify Please text 07949 596702 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Chesterfield railway station
Start Point Details Meet in front of the Railway Station by the statue of George
Stephenson. The nearest cheapest car park is the Malkin Street Car
Park just next to the Station Car Park. Check it out on Parkopedia.
Google Maps is v helpful with public transport options
Grid Reference SK 3880 7141 - nearest postcode: S41 7UB
Grade A1
Distance 6 miles
Additional Information Meet in front of the Railway Station by the statue of George
Stephenson. The nearest cheapest car park is the Malkin Street Car
Park just next to the Station Car Park. Check it out on Parkopedia.
Google Maps is v helpful with public transport options
Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point