Day Tuesday
Date 03/12/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name A Few Edges
Description Grouse Inn, White Edge Lodge, White Edge Moor, Lady’s Cross, follow Bar Brook, Old Bar Brook Reservoir, Lower Bar Brook Res, Ramsley Lodge, Ramsley Reservoir, Big Moor, Gardom’s Edge, a resin rock, Jack Flat Woods, (under) Baslow Edge, (under) Curbar Edge, Froggatt Edge, stone circle, Hay Wood and back to the Grouse Inn.
Walk Leader Martin W
Notify Please text 07874655151 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point The Grouse Inn
Start Point Details The layby just below The Grouse Inn on A625.
This area quickly becomes full, there is a National Trust car park a few hundred metres up the road.
Grid Reference SK 25808 77851 - nearest postcode: S32 3ZJ
Grade B2
Distance 10 miles
Additional Information Bring refreshments & a packed lunch
Dogs on a fixed lead please.
Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point