Day Sunday
Date 24/11/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Baslow, Beeley and Festive Chatsworth
Description This route climbs up through the wood to the hunting tower following the skyline above Chatsworth House. It’s onto the Rabbit Warren above Beeley before walking down to the village. We will return following the River Derwent which can be muddy. Hopefully we will have some great views and wildlife.

Chatsworth Christmas Market is on and I will stop off for 30 or 40 mins depending on the weather. Option to walk directly to Baslow for a drink at the Devonshire arms pub. Its an easy walk back from Chatswoth house.

Walk Leader Mandy K
Notify Please text 07586 842 361 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Baslow Car Park entrance by sweet shop
Start Point Details Baslow Car Park entrance by sweet shop. Parking in the car park or on the back streets in the village.
Please park considerately . Behind Baslow Green.

What3Words: excuse.multiples.venue

Grid Reference SK258721 - nearest postcode: DE45 1SR
Grade B2
Distance 9 miles
Additional Information If this is your first walk with the group please let me know in your text.

Please wear suitable clothing & footwear for this time of year.
Bring refreshments & a packed lunch.

Dog friendly - dogs on fixed leads please.

Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point