Day Saturday
Date 05/10/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Redmires
Description woods ,rivlelin valley ,with river rivelin,nether gate ,down to rivelin dam,Wyming brook and farm ,back to three merry lads for refreshment .
Walk Leader Michael N
Notify Please text 07906795981 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Car park just past the Sportsman Pub
Start Point Details The car park is on Redmires Road on the left, just past the Sportsman Pub, if travelling West from Lodge Moor and town. Sportsman address is 569 Redmires Road Sheffield S10 4LJ.
Public transport buses between Sheffield and Lodge Moor. Timetables http//
Grid Reference SK 2815 8615 - nearest postcode: S10 4LJ
Grade B2
Distance 9.5 miles
Additional Information Dogs welcome on lead as there may be cows in field.
Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point