Day Sunday
Date 29/09/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Mam Tor and the Great Ridge
Description Starting from Hope, gentle stroll to Castleton. We follow part of limestone way, can be slippy when wet and is a short steep climb to top. Flat gravel path before another short steep climb up to Mam tor. The ridge is about 3 miles long with short steep climbs along the way then we drop down to Hope. Can be busy on top... .
Walk Leader Charlie C
Notify Please text 07572177702 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Hope Pay and Display car park
Start Point Details Hope Pay and Display car park in centre of Hope on A6187 to Castleton nr pedestrian crossing . Meet on corner of the car park near toilets.
If you arrive early enough there is usually some free roadside parking available in Hope
Grid Reference SK 1710 8350 - nearest postcode: S33 6RD
Grade B2
Distance 8 miles
Additional Information I will be bringing my daughter, children welcome if they can manage.
Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point