Day Sunday
Date 08/09/2024
Start Time 9:25 am - EARLY START
Walk Name Millers Dale to Castleton walk
Description Not so much a walk, more an excursion. We start by catching the 65 bus at 9.35am and after a lovely scenic tour we get off at Millers Dale just before 11. We’ll follow the Limestone way which goes above Monks Dale before it drops down to walk through Peter Dale and Hay Dale. We’ll branch off through Dam Dale and Peak Forest and then turn east to climb back up to the Limestone Way and a trig point with a grand view. From there we will drop down to Castleton (avoiding paths with slippy, wet limestone).

We’ll catch the 272 back to Sheffield. I guess we will catch the 6pm bus. If we have time we can take refreshments in the Peak Hotel opposite the bus stop.

Walk Leader Mick N
Notify Please text 07949 596702 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Sheffield Interchange Stand D2
Start Point Details Sheffield Interchange, Archway Centre, Pond St, Sheffield City Centre

Grid Reference SK 35749 87228 - nearest postcode: S1 2BD
Grade B3
Distance 10 miles
Additional Information Bus fares are £2 a journey, so £4 total. Pay on the bus with card or cash.
Dress for the weather and please bring your lunch and drinks.
I’m choosing boots, and carrying my poles.
NB the Interchange has pay toilets, but the rail station across the road has free toilets. Other ‘proper’ loos are at Millers Dale Car Park, the pub at Peak Forest, and Castleton.

Not suitable for dogs

Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point