Day Sunday
Date 01/09/2024
Start Time 10:00 am - No Dogs
Walk Name Alport and a bit more
Description Please note all parking is now pay and display & No Dogs.
route From Fairholmes we follow the meteor path that will eventually brings us to Alport Castles. From there we go to the trig point ( for those collecting them. I collect stamps!) We follow a very indistinct path and then off path down to Grains in the Water. From there we take the path ( difficult in place) that follows the side of the valley back to Alport castles. We go down to the hamlet of Alport and follow the track to the A57. We cross over and follow the track to Rowlee Bridge. We cross the A57 again and follow the track via Rowlee farm to Woodcock Coppice and back to Fairholmes.
Walk Leader Godfrey
Notify Please text 07828 572 765 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Fairholmes Visitor Centre
Start Point Details No Dogs
Fairholmes visitor centre, outside the toilets - car park (Pay & Display) If you arrive early enough, there is free parking at Derwent Overlook, this is on the right hand side just before Fairholmes or £5 for a full day at the visitor centre car park. If you get there early there are two free car parks about half a mile before Fairholmes care park.
What3Words - ///acids.anode.sunshine
Grid Reference SK 1726 8936 - nearest postcode: S33 0AQ (across lake)
Grade C3
Distance 13.5 miles
Additional Information Please note all parking is now pay and display.

Care needs to be taken on the footpath then runs across the side of the valley and the two crossings of the A57. Likely to be muddy in places !!!
Will be done at a reasonable pace given the distance

Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point