Day Monday
Date 26/08/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Eyam from Calver
Description We walk from Calver Bridge up to Longstone Moor and Housley. Then it’s downhill to Eyam where we may see some of the well dressings and the Riley graves. We have a nice riverside walk back to the Bridge Inn pub and the cars.

Toilets in Eyam on the way back after lunch.

Walk Leader Lucia C
Notify Please text 07790820831 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Calver Bridge ,The Bridge Inn, Calver Bridge
Start Point Details park at Curbar Primary School. By All Saints Church Curbar in the layby off A623 Baslow Road near the Bridge Inn
Grid Reference SK 247 744 - nearest postcode: S32 3YP
Grade B2
Distance 10.5 miles
Additional Information You may want to bring some cash for the charity donation boxes by the well dressings in Eyam.

Bridge Inn pub for drinks at the end.

Dogs on a short lead please - cows, sheep and lambs about.

Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point