Day Saturday
Date 17/08/2024
Start Time 10:00 am - 9.30 for walk leader intro
Walk Name 5 Dales Walk and walk leader intro
Description Walk leader introduction starts at 9.30am
For those who wish to walk only be ready for a 10.00am start.

A fairly easy walk through five Peak District Dales, Tansley, Cresssbrook, Water Cum Jolly, Millers and Tideswell Dale including woodlands with narrow paths, fields and old farm tracks. Some of these dales can flood during the winter months so it’s lovely to walk them in summer. A couple of easy ascents and descends.

Get there early as another group are starting from here

Walk Leader Helen L and Mandy
Notify Please text 07505 111 812 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Litton Village Green, by the Red Lion Inn
Start Point Details Litton Village Green, by The Red Lion Inn. Meet in the car park by the pub.
What3Words Start Point – crumbles.squirts.rescuer

Grid Reference SK 163 752 - nearest postcode: SK17 8QU
Grade A1
Distance 8 miles
Additional Information Please be aware that the bridge at Brough is closed for 3 months (June to mid September) and you may have to find an alternative way to Litton if you are travelling though Hope.

Bring refreshments & packed lunch. Make sure you have plenty of water with you and sunscreen if it’s a hot day.
Wear suitable footwear & clothing for the time of year.

Dogs must be on a short lead if there is livestock around.

Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point