Day Saturday
Date 10/08/2024
Start Time 9:30 am - EARLY START
Walk Name Kinder form Snake Pass
Description The route follows the footpath that leads up to the Kinder Plateau. It takes us up through the gorge out by fair brook then along a path long the rim of the plateau. There are exceptionally fine views of the deep valleys and surrounding high moors. The route joins the Pennie Way and if people and weather permits, we can do a diversion to see Kinder Downfall. The path back follows Ashop Clough which can be very boggy in places. This route has one fairly long ascent at the beginning with a small scramble to reach the top.
Walk Leader Charlie C
Notify Please text 07572177702 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Birchin Clough car park (A57)
Start Point Details Free Parking at Birchin Clough on the A57.
Grid Reference SK 1093 9143 - nearest postcode: S33 0AB
Grade C2
Distance 10 miles
Additional Information The route joins the Pennie Way and if people and weather permits, we can do a diversion to see Kinder
Downfall. Diversion will make the route 12 miles, decide on the day otherwise a 10 mile hike.

Car park does become busy and if possible, care share. Can offer to pick anyone up who lives
around S8/S7/S10/S11

Bring refreshments & packed lunch. Make sure you have plenty of water with you and sunscreen if it’s a hot day.
Wear suitable footwear & clothing for the time of year.

Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point