Day Sunday
Date 04/08/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Free Love & Socialism! Walking Totley to Edward Carpenter’s House, Millthorpe.
Description This walk goes from Totley up hill and down dale to the pretty Millthorpe Valley to see Edward Carpenter’s house, where he grew crops, made sandals, wrote, entertained and networked with authors, politicians, activists, and lived as a couple with his lover, George Merrill, for nigh on 25yrs.
The return route goes past the grave of George Hukin, Carpenter’s true love, at Holmesfield, and past St George’s Farm, Totley. Carpenter had been asked by the owner of the farm, John Ruskin, if he would keep an eye on his tenants, the “Sheffield communists”.
The theme is free love and socialism!
Walk Leader Mick N
Notify Please text 07949 596702 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Totley, The Cross Scythes Public House
Start Point Details Totley, Outside The Cross Scythes Public House, Baslow Road .
Please park considerately. Parking on Baslow Road opposite the Cross Scythes pub or on Totley Hall Lane opposite the pub.
What3Words - saves.move.switch

For those travelling by bus - The start point is on the 97 bus route.
There's a bus arrives just after 9.30am ( And of course there's buses for the return to SHF.
Waiting room: the pub

Grid Reference SK 3069 7981 - nearest postcode: S17 4AE
Grade B2
Distance 7.5 miles
Additional Information On the recce some of the paths were ‘heavy’ with long grass and nettles - I’m wearing long trousers.
Take refreshments and a packed lunch
No Dogs
Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point