Day Saturday
Date 03/08/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Edges and Monuments
Description A walk along Birchen Edge, White Edge, Froggatt Edge, Curbar Edge and Baslow Edge with a couple of monuments thrown in.
Walk Leader Charlie C
Notify Please text 07572177702 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Robin Hood Pub Nr Baslow
Start Point Details Car park next to the pub car park Robin hood Inn on the road between Baslow and Chesterfield. DE45 1PQ.
Grid Reference SK 2801 7213 - nearest postcode: DE45 1PQ
Grade B2
Distance 9.5 miles
Additional Information Birchen Edge car park, next to pub. Small car park and get full. Happy to give anyone a lift.

Please wear suitable clothing & footwear for this time of year.
Bring refreshments & a packed lunch.
Dogs on short leads please.

Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point