Day Sunday
Date 14/07/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Tideswell Dale and Taddington
Description From Tideswell Dale we head over the top to Miller’s Dale and then to Taddington, returning via the bridge at Litton Mill. Keywords: sunshine, Jelly Babies and lots of idle chatter. Back many many many hours before the football.
Walk Leader Keef
Notify Please text 07909 066 064 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Tideswell Church
Start Point Details The meeting point is at the front of St. John the Baptist Church, Tideswell (postcode SK17 8LF). On street parking is available in the village of Tideswell
There is free parking on the roads nearby.
The climb after we cross the A6 is quite steep but short. All of the rest of
the ascent is fairly gentle, apart from the short section where we cross
High Dale.
Grid Reference SK 1523 7573 - nearest postcode: SK17 8LG
Grade B2
Distance 9 miles
Additional Information Please be aware that the bridge at Brough is closed for 3 months (June to mid September) and you will have to find an alternative way to Tideswell if you are travelling though Hope.
Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point