Day Wednesday
Date 26/06/2024
Start Time 6:00 pm
Walk Name Derwent Edge
Description A gentle stroll up to Derwent edge from the car park, drop down
to Ladybower and back to car aprk.
Walk Leader Charlie C
Notify 07572177702 4pm day of the walk
Start Point Cutthroat Bridge Lay By (A57)
Start Point Details Layby just to the east of Cutthroat Bridge on A57 - 1 mile east (Sheffield side) of Ladybower Inn. The lay-by does get busy at the weekends.

What3Words: mainframe.envelope.performs

Grid Reference SK 2167 8742 - nearest postcode: S6 6GL
Grade A2
Distance 4.5 miles
Additional Information No Dogs please.
Please wear suitable clothing & footwear for this time of year.
Bring refreshments & a packed lunch.
Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point