Day Sunday
Date 02/06/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Mud Festival on Bleaklow
Description Route Follow track out of Old Glossop then footpath up onto Yellowslacks. Along to Dog Rock. We are then in reality off path to Bleaklow Head. Follow Pennine Way down towards Torside. We then take a path some nick name the Burma Road ( no idea). Past Torside Castle. No idea what this is. The Path is followed with some difficulty until it becomes a track. We make our way across to a trig point at Cock Hill. Then down back to the cars via the Queens Head!!


Walk Leader James
Notify Please text 07743 947 075 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Old Glossop, Shepley Street
Start Point Details Entering Glossop from the Snake Pass, take a right turn into Manor Park Road (by the Commercial Inn, before the mini-roundabout) then follow the road round to the right into Shepley Street (by The Queens). We are meeting at the turning circle at the end of Shepley Street.
What3Words - ///desiring.framework.splash
Grid Reference SK 0458 9483 - nearest postcode: SK13 7SG
Grade B3
Distance 10 miles
Additional Information I would advise gaiters are worn. The path is very boggy and I sank twice last time I was on it! Part of this route may well be new to some people.

Please sign up early, this will help if details change at short notice and you can be notified asap.
All late sign ups after cut off time or on the morning of the walk you MUST check the website first for last minute changes.
The distance of the route is the distance of the recci by the walk leader, any detours on the day will change the mileage.
Please wear suitable clothing & footwear for this time of year.
Bring refreshments & a packed lunch.
And above all, enjoy the day.

Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point