Day Saturday
Date 01/06/2024
Start Time 10:30 am - LATE START
Walk Name An amble from Baslow
Description This will be a Debby-paced walk from Baslow to Edensor, then up the meadows ( for a lovely view of Chatsworth) That may be a good spot for coffee and then we will go along and down to the back of the garden centre. We will stop at Chatsworth for lunch/loo/ice cream and then go up the nasty steps to the hunting tower. After that it’s the last lap back to Baslow.
Walk Leader Debby Clark
Notify Please text 07791143494 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Baslow Car Park entrance by sweet shop
Start Point Details Baslow Car Park entrance by sweet shop. Parking in the car park or on the back streets in the village.
Please park considerately . Behind Baslow Green.
Grid Reference SK258721 - nearest postcode: DE45 1SR
Grade A1
Distance 5.5 miles
Additional Information Please sign up early, this will help if details change at short notice and you can be notified asap.

Please wear suitable clothing & footwear for this time of year.
Bring refreshments & a packed lunch.

No because of sheep and deer in the area

Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point