Day Wednesday
Date 08/05/2024
Start Time 6:30 pm - EVENING WALK
Walk Name Midweek Breather
Description Meet outside the Cross Scythes pub, then head down Totley Hall
Lane towards Gillfield Wood. Through a short section of the
wood,before turning left, across the fields, up to Fanshaw Gate
Lane,passing the old hall then, dropping down through the old
farm and back into the woods.
Along the path, back onto Baslow Road and eventually, turning
left across the field, dropping down to Totley lower village.
It’s a steep hill out of the village, but you’ll be pleased to know,
that the pub and the end of the walk are at the top of the hill.
Walk Leader Bob M
Notify Please text 07772073237 by 4pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Totley, outside The Cross Scythes pub
Start Point Details Totley, outside The Cross Scythes pub, Baslow Road.
There is usually abundant free parking on Totley Hall Road (turn left by the pub if you're coming up the hill). Please be courteous to local residents when parking vehicles.
What3Words/ ///state.count.formed
Grid Reference SK 3071 7979 - nearest postcode: S17 4AE
Grade A1
Distance 4 miles
Additional Information PARKING...along the roads in the area, please be courteous to
local residents when parking vehicles.
Please sign up early, this will help if details change at short notice and you can be notified asap
Please wear suitable clothing & footwear for this time of year.
Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point