Day Saturday
Date 04/05/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name More Cheese Gromit?
Description From the Market Place we head across fields before the steep climb
up to the trig on High Weldon. We continue along the ridge to
Crowdecote also visiting the Cairn on Pilsbury Castle Hill and Carder
Low Before descending into Harrington for lunch on the green near the
cheese shop. We return via the village of Sheen, joining the Manifold
Trail which we follow back to the start.
Walk Leader Russ
Notify Please text 07815 045 608 by 8pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Longnor,Market Place car park
Start Point Details Market Place car park.
Plenty of parking available usually.


Grid Reference SK 0889 6491 - nearest postcode: SK17 0NT
Grade C2
Distance 12.5 miles
Additional Information 1 Trig and 3 Ethels, for the collectors among us.
There are toilets and the village shop at the start, there also facilities in Hartington

Please sign up early, this will help if details change at short notice and you can be notified asap.
All late sign ups after cut off time or on the morning of the walk you MUST check the website first for last minute changes.
Please wear suitable clothing & footwear for this time of year.
Bring refreshments & a packed lunch.
Dogs on short leads please.
And above all, enjoy the day.

Dog Friendly yes
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point