Day Sunday
Date 28/01/2024
Start Time 10:00 am
Walk Name Charnock to Totley
Description This walk goes along much of the Sheffield Country Walk through some of Sheffield’s green belt and is a combo of tram/walk/bus. First, the tram from the station to White Lane. From there we start the walk and drop down into the very pretty Moss Valley and meander on, up and down via Troway to Coal Aston. We continue on between Dronfield and Bradway and then drop down into Totley, where we can get refreshments in a pub and wait for a 97 or 98 bus back to town
Walk Leader Mick N
Notify Please text 07949 596702 by 6pm the day before to sign up
Start Point Sheffield Station Tram Stop
Start Point Details Its the platform going to Herdings Park, on the same side as Park Hill flats and South St Park
Grid Reference SK 3592 8692 - nearest postcode: S1 2BP
Grade B2
Distance 10 miles
Additional Information Toilets in pubs at Troway, Coal Aston and Totley.
Please sign up early, this will help if details change at short notice and you can be notified asap
Please wear suitable clothing & footwear for this time of year.
Bring refreshments & a packed lunch.

Not Dog friendly

Dog Friendly
Map Click for Streetmap of start point       Click for Google map of start point